Thursday, 28 April 2016

The reading cafe in room 109

    On the 27 of April 2016, it was a normal day like any other  day 5. We had Mr. Adegbite for the first period. At first, we thought we were going to have a tedious day. Then we found out that we were going to have the reading cafe!!!! Everyone was surprised. MS. Kao brought food and all the kids would present their perspective assignment. Everyone has worked incredibly hard on the perspective assignment. Everyone did a wonderful job and everyone tried their best on completing it on the due date. It was an honor to participate in such an honorable event. I loved it. I rate it 10/10.
                                       By:Simran.M and Sarbotam.D 7F2                                                                             

Le café de lecture dans la salle 109

Sur le 27 avril 2016, s'était une normal jour comme tout les jours 5. Nous avons Mr. A pour la première période. Premièrement, nous avons penser nous avons une autre ennuyeux jour. Puis, nous découvrons que nous vont avoir une café de lecture!!!! Tout le monde était surprisé Ms. Kao avait apporté la nourriture  et tout les étudiants va présenter leur tâche assigné de perspective. Tout le monde a travaillé incroyablement très fort sur les présentations. Tout le monde a travaillé fantastiquement sur les présentations et tout la monde a essayé de rentré la travailler sur la propre date. C'était une honour de participé en cette honorable évent.

                            Par:Simran.M et Sarbotam.D 7F2 

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

French Café!!!

      On the 21 of April 2016 Mme. Pierro, 7F6, and Mme. Butt's core French classes all planned the French café. To promote the café, everyone went class to class, made posters, and even cleaned the courtyard. On the day of the café we had a turnout of around 30 people!! Each table had a game to play so everyone had fun and made new friends. The food table consisted of croissants (a rich, flaky pastry), grape juice and lemonade. The decorations were astonishing, our tissues had the Eiffel Tower on them, beside them were flowers in pretty turquoise pots and the table covers complimented the tissues and flower pots. At the end we got amazing feedback and I certainly hope we do it again. I rate the French café 10/10.

Written by: Ajeet Grewal 7F6 (Earnscliffe News Correspondent)

Saturday, 23 April 2016



The Ethical Standards for the Earnscliffe Press Club represents a vision for our practice. At the heart of a virile and effective journalism is a commitment to the truth, fairness and equity. Members of the Earnscliffe Press Club, in their position of trust, demonstrate a high sense of responsibility in their relationships with fellow students, colleagues, school administration, teachers, partners, and the environment.
“Principles for Ethical Journalism”
·         To inspire members to reflect and uphold the honour and dignity of the Press Club
·         To guide ethical decisions and actions in the Press Club

Friday, 22 April 2016

Very Interesting!

It is very interesting to see how many Eaglets are ready to soar at The Earcsliffe Press Club! We had a great turn out during our last two meetings, students were very enthusiastic and passionate about the club. They asked many great thought provoking questions, and they got the right answers to their questions.
Remember your paragraph is due during the next meeting in Room 109.

Hope to see you then.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

In this club, we learn, we write articles, we publish them on our famous blogsite and we also have fun. We also follow great columnists and discuss issues, news, and current cases around our school and the community on a daily basis. Anybody who is interested and loves reading newspapers, magazines and engage in creative writing is welcome in our club!